Saturday, June 28, 2014

Week Four : Planning System

After attending the class, I finally realize  there is huge differential between the planning system in Malaysia and planning system in Sheffield, UK. In Malaysia, our land normally only will categorize into 3 different type of land which are residential land, industrial land and agricultural land. But in Sheffield, UK, all the land is classified by zone, which mean we cannot simply develop a building which not allow in the zone. Luckily,  our site is located at the flexible use are, which mean we will not facing any problem to build any type of building inside the zone except from general industry and warehouse and storage.
Proposal Map From Sheffeild City Council
 Policy H1 from Sheffield City Council

Friday, June 20, 2014

Week Three : Site Analysis or Investigation

On this week, we been given a lot of help from our lecturer and tutor, they show us a lot of guidance and detailed explanation regarding on the site location and analysis. This would help us to gain more information of the site, from those information we able to decide what type of business is suitable or needed on that area.

Besides that we been told to listed down all the potential constraints which possibly arise before starting the redevelopment. By doing this we may find a solution to solve it before it cause any delay on the project progress.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Week Two : Matilda Street Site Visit


On second week, we been told that we have to went to Matilda Street for a site visit for our assessment. The main purpose for us to site visit is to  to obtained the details of building and the location, thus to figure out the better idea of development of the Matilda Street site. Firstly, we have to measure the roughly area of the site by using laser measuring device and measuring tape.In the progressing, we found out the building is consist of some defects and the size of building is limited, therefore all these are the issues need to be taken into account to decide whether refurbish or demolish and rebuild of the whole building.

Front View

Back View

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week One : Introduction

In the fist week of the class, Mr. Dave Weatherall have roughly brief through about the module assessment we have to do for the Integrated Project. The assessment contain 2 part, Part A which include writing and Padlet Wall which contain 60% mark of the assessment and in Part B which is Goggle's Blog which contain 40% mark of the assessment.

Mr. Dave Weatherall also show us how the purpose and the way of using Padlet Wall and Goggle Blogger for our assessment.

This is an apps that I never hear before in Malaysia, I found out that this apps are quite similar to Microsoft Powerpoints which we usually use for presentation any thing in Malaysia. But compare to Microsoft Powerpoints, Padlet Wall are more easy and interested than Microsoft Powerpoints.It acts as a virtual wall which allow easily express our thoughts on the topic we work on. It allows us to insert any content in order to let works more easily to present out to other parties, such as images, videos, document, and etc.

Although I have hear this apps for many years, but I do not have any experience on using this apps. Based on what I saw other people Blogger, I found out that they actually using this apps as their diary which usually shared their own though or their life experience. Which mean by using this apps I able to easily share out the knowledge, though or my experience for the assessment to my friends.